Accounting Services & Record Keeping
Plan 2 Strata undertakes to:
• Budget for and recover levies to adequately cover expenses in proportion to the unit entitlements of each lot.
• Issue Standard levy notices and issue Special levies.
• Maintain records of all notices issued, minutes of meetings and motions. Monitor charge and recover interest on unpaid levies.
• Pay invoices incurred by the owner’s corporation.
• Establish and maintain trust account.
• Maintain financial records and statements, correspondence and a complete strata roll.
• Establish and coordinate a multiple strata complex of owner’s corporation and lot stratum of the Building Management Committee (BMC).
Plan 2 Strata undertakes to:
• Budget for and recover levies to adequately cover expenses in proportion to the unit entitlements of each lot.
• Prepare administrative fund and arrange sinking fund budget.
• Manage administrative fund and sinking fund.
Plan 2 Strata also undertakes to:
• Arrange insurance valuation as required.
• Affect insurance renewals when due.
• Prepare and lodge insurance claims when necessary.
As part of our service to you, Plan 2 Strata will plan for and chair the following:
• Annual General meetings
• Extraordinary General meetings
• Executive Committee meetings
• Building Management Committee (BMC)
Plan 2 Strata will ensure lot owners are notified in advance before each meeting takes place, prepare agendas and submissions, record minutes and ensure all required information is available and a quorum is formed for the meeting to take place.