
service 1

Safety and Maintenance

Our responsibility as Strata Management begins with your safety in mind, followed by taking necessary steps to ensure that your property is adequately maintained.
The safety of residents and guests in each lot is paramount to us, and as such we organise the following:

  • Safety checks of the premises
  • Fire Compliance checks 
  • Occupational Health and Safety Checks

Our Services

Corporate Law

Corporate Law

Monitor and implement By-Laws relating to the Strata Scheme. Maintain all strata records, Strata Roll and Common Seal.


Prepare necessary Annual Budgets and Levies. Collect levies, pay accounts and disburse as authorized.
General Meeting

General Meeting

Prepare and conduct the First Annual General Meetings and all General Meetings of the owner’s corporation.
Book Record

Book Record

Prepare annual financial statements and maintain financial records. Prepare S.109 Certificates on behalf of the owners’ corporation.
Acting role

Acting role

Act as Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the owner’s corpo-ration as set out in the “Strata Schemes Management Act 1996”.


Provide advice and assistance to the owners of the scheme. To coordinate repairs, maintenance and Insurance claims.
Regular Inspection

Regular Inspection

Regularly inspect the common property as often as necessary and report to the owner’s corporation as needed.


Obtain the best value for money when selecting trades people and professionals to carry out required maintenance and administrative work on your premises.


02-9281 0029